понедельник, 23 марта 2009 г.

Fear and hate in the Ukrainian hospital: peculiarities of the national healthcare

Last Monday I woke up and realized that I could hardly open my left eye because it was swollen. I looked at the mirror and instead of my own reflection I saw somebody who looked pretty much like Quasimodo. My eyelid was red and puffy and there was some sort of pimple or little wound that reminded a mosquito bite on it. I was scared to death but decided not to panic but better hide it asap because I had to go to work. Somehow with the help of make up, long fridge and sunglasses that I wore despite the rainy weather I succeeded so no one could tell, but it still hurt a lot.

When I came to work I asked my colleagues where should I go( I live here just for a couple of month and have no idea where the hospitals are) and one of them suggested to take me to the clinic, because it looked like something serious.

The nightmare began when we arrived to the local hospital. The doctors (skinny old witch) hardly looked at me (didn’t examine, just glanced) and start yelling that I’m going to die that pus will go to my brain and I will have meningitis as soon as I go outside and that I should be hospitalized for at least 5 days! I was shocked and about to lose conscious when we arrived to the clinic which appeared to be skin-and sex transmitting diseases dispensary (the nastiest place in the world, even if you do not anything serious when going there, in the best case after a couple days you will have scabies and lice. I was wondering how the doctors and nurses there are still alive - the answer is simple: every day they drink rectified spirit intake for prophylaxis and for fun.

Rectified spirit: drink this much every day!

A fat ass slut who appeared to be the chief doctor at the dispensary didn’t look at me at all like it did not matter what was swollen my eyelid or my pussy, start yelling, said I should stay in the hospital and there is no other way out. Despite the fact that my boyfriend was telling me that I just can’t stay in one place with the people who have AIDS, syphilis and scabies, and that there should be another option, despite the fact that I observes a “love scene” between a dud who’s face reminded an Abdominal Dr. Phibes(guess he was a permanent patient at that place, so if I’d stay I’d look the same) and his girlfriend(who seemed not to care at all that all his face was covered in some weird wounds) that made me wanna puke, I was ready to stay and to donate money to “Hospital Fund”( an obligatory act of “free” will common for Ukrainian establishments of all sorts) but luckily I was wearing my winter shoes and had no slippers to stay at the there, so the nurse told me I should go to the market to buy some (oh, god! What about meningitis I was going to have if I go outside?)… That is how I managed to escape.

"Love means never having to say you ugly". Abdominal Dr. Phibes.

I called my parents and they said I should come home and they‘d take me to the doctor they know, so the same day I took a train and went to my hometown.

I do not know what caused such a traumatic effect fear or antibiotics but when on Tuesday I came to the doctor (who used to be my parents neighbor and knew me since I was born) my eye was almost back to normal. She examined it, made all necessary analysis, said that it is just a minor infection and that nothing is going to happen to me I should just take antibiotics and vitamins for 3 days and will be completely back to normal and let me go home.

The only reason the other doctors made me go to the dispensary was that it is one of the ways for them to make money and I was a perfect victim: ready to pay for everything they tell me.

All you need is lots of cash!

The funny thing: on the very same day I saw a report on the national news channel where the Minister of Health of Ukraine said that it is a common case when on purpose doctors and pharmacists make wrong diagnoses and make people buy expensive medicine they do not really need, because that is one of the ways for than to make extra money.

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